


On behalf of Oasis Ministries International I would like to thank you for visiting our website. Oasis Ministries International (OMI) is a 501c3 ministry that operates in the US as well as internationally. For the past 12 years we have been focusing in the Philippines ministering in churches, villages, schools and orphanages. We hold conferences for church leaders, women, men and youth. OMI also brings medical ministries into poor rural areas where health and dental care is not as available. Several years ago we saw a need for job training. We purchased several new industrial sewing machines, sergers and even foot operated manual sewing machines. Working with a small church we were able to bring in an instructor to teach classes in a small village allowing man and women training and access to manufacture items to sell. Trough the sale of the items, they are able to bring money back to maintain equipment and supplies as well as support their families.  OMI is also bringing a focus back here in the U.S. as well.